Framework can help you build a high-performing leadership team – and a high functioning organization with optimally performing teams. Desired leadership behaviours will be cascaded throughout your organization, through training and coaching that fosters your corporate culture.
Organizations are dynamic entities. Change, complexity and ambiguity means we are continually forced to adapt to keep pace. Leadership is central to how well your organization navigates these challenges and prepares your people to respond. Framework can assist in managing these dynamics by adopting a proactive, competency-based approach.
Teams come in many forms and each has unique challenges within their organization. Framework brings insight into team effectiveness and creates alignment within a team to support the achievement of performance targets. Framework has experience working with project teams, operational teams, integrated multi-disciplinary teams and executive management teams.
Framework has full range of assessment tools, management tools and educational workshops to support diverse leadership growth challenges including:
Framework specializes in developing customized leadership and team development programs. Some of the outcomes of Framework’s rigorous five stage process of program development include:
Framework uses a number of practical diagnostic tools and engaging development programs to promote skills that help your people interact and work more effectively: